Ancarta 2009
Ancarta 2009

ancarta 2009

Plants are found only in the epipelagic zone of the pelagic zone where there is enough light for photosynthesis. The benthos lives on and depends on the sea bottom and includes benthic fauna like deposit and filter feeders such as barnacles, bryozoans, sponges, mussels, hydroids, pycnogonid sea spiders and stalked crinoids. Plant and animal life in the benthic zone is most abundant in the coastal waters on the continental shelf. From the high-tide mark along the shore to the depths of the ocean are found plants and animals of the sea. The continental slope and beyond make up the benthic zone and includes the deepest part of the ocean floor which are made up of sediments consisting of rock particles and organic remain such as calcium carbonate shells of small organisms. The oceans of the world are divided into two areas the benthic zone or seafloor environment and the pelagic zone or water environment.

Ancarta 2009